Home > Standard > Historical Perspectives
Ocean Exploration through Time - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students research the history of ocean exploration and create a timeline of important events indicating advances in technology and our scientific understanding of the ocean.
Less than 5% of the ocean has been explored; however, the ocean is a great resource, so in order to better understand the ocean we need to employ inquiry and investigation. Emphasis is placed on history of ocean exploration and on changing technology.
Education Standards

Coral Cores: Ocean Timeline - NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries 
Using x-ray images of actual coral cores taken from the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, students learn how corals generate calcium carbonate skeletons in layers and what those layers can tell us. Students also relate sections of these cores to the history of ocean exploration.
Less than 5% of the ocean has been explored; however, the ocean is a great resource, so in order to better understand the ocean we need to employ inquiry and investigation. Emphasis is placed on history of ocean exploration and on changing technology.
Education Standards

Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rise - California Academy of Sciences 
Students conduct a hands-on activity which demonstrates that it is the ice formations on land that cause a rise in sea level upon melting, not those on water.
Sea level has changed and continues to change over time. These changes shape the land.
Education Standards

Pilbara to Mars: Are We Alone? - NASA and Macquarie University 
Using data collected from Pilbara, Australia, students study the age of the fossilized stromalites of the region.