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Exploring Ocean Observing Systems - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore web-based data collected by ocean observing systems as an introduction to the parameters these systems measure.
New technologies are expanding our ability to explore the ocean.
Education Standards

Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use topographic maps and tide data to predict coastline flooding associated with sea level rise. In a companion exercise students predict the extent of flooding due to storm surge.
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards

Understanding Sea Level Using Real Data - The NOAA Ocean Education Project 
Using real-time data, students learn how to access and interpret sea surface height and tide data through a series of five lessons.
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards

Your Own El Nino - NOAA Education 
Students use a model that recreates trade winds and upwelling to illustrate the changes in circulation that are associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
Changes in ocean circulation patterns affect weather and climate.
Education Standards

Top to Bottom - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students explore the possible impacts on deep sea ecosystems associated with changes in thermohaline circulation resulting from climate change.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Hatch to Catch - Bigelow Laboratory and Dartmouth College 
In this web-based simulation activity, students manipulate environmental variables in order to create optimal environmental conditions that will generate high “hatch” to “catch” survival rates in newly spawned lobster larvae.
Open ocean euphotic zone: The Great Turtle Race - National Geographic 
Students manipulate environmental factors as they play the role of a migrating turtle moving through the ocean.
There are many diverse habitats in the open ocean, which contribute to the diversity of organisms.
Education Standards

The Drill on the Spill: Learning About the Gulf Oil Leak in the Lab - New York Times, The Learning Network 
Students explore the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil spill by accessing high quality data-based models and maps on the New York Times website. They also develop a research question about oil spills or clean-up technology and design a lab investigation to answer the question.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards

Kure Waste Chase - Jean Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, PBS 
In this web-based game, students explore various habitats of the ocean, collect harmful marine debris and learn which organisms are affected by the debris.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards

What Affects Dead Zones? - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore scenarios in real datasets to investigate how physics and biology interact to produce Dead Zones of various sizes and durations.
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards