Home > Subject > Earth Water
Globe Toss - Lawrence Hall of Science, COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use inflatable globes to demonstrate that approximately 70% of the Earth is covered by water.

Draw the ocean as you see it - COSEE Coastal Trends 
In this ice-breaker activity, students draw what they know about the ocean.
Exploring Ocean Observing Systems - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore web-based data collected by ocean observing systems as an introduction to the parameters these systems measure.
New technologies are expanding our ability to explore the ocean.
Education Standards

Case Study: Upwelling - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 
Students correlate sardine populations changes with upwelling events using mathematical model output and wind and water circulation data from the Monterey Bay.
Mathematical models are an essential tool for understanding ocean sciences.
Education Standards

Density Driven Currents - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students add fresh water to dyed salt water in graduated cylinders or “density tanks” to demonstrate density differences in ocean and coastal waters and how these differences drive currents.
Monitoring Estuarine Water Quality - The NOAA Ocean Data Education Project 
In this series of activities, students use data to explore temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity in ocean waters. In “Level 4,”students are asked to relate environmental conditions to Atlantic Sturgeon migration.

Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use topographic maps and tide data to predict coastline flooding associated with sea level rise. In a companion exercise students predict the extent of flooding due to storm surge.
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards

Understanding Sea Level Using Real Data - The NOAA Ocean Education Project 
Using real-time data, students learn how to access and interpret sea surface height and tide data through a series of five lessons.
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards

Surface Circulation Model - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students construct a clay model to become familiar with the forces which produce circulation patterns in ocean basins and to predict patterns or eddy development with variances in bathymetry.
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth
Education Standards

Take Ride on the Gulf Stream - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use ocean observing system data to track and define various aspects of the Gulf Stream.
Ocean circulation is interconnected and is powered by wind, tides, force of Earth
Education Standards