Home > Subject > Ecology
Tragedy of Commons Game - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students play the role of fishermen to demonstrate how overfishing can occur.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards

Kure Waste Chase - Jean Michel Cousteau Ocean Adventures, PBS 
In this web-based game, students explore various habitats of the ocean, collect harmful marine debris and learn which organisms are affected by the debris.
Humans affect the ocean and therefore must protect it.
Education Standards

Dead Zone Model - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students add fertilizer to pond, river, or estuarine water and compare results to a control treatment with no added fertilizer to simulate how algal blooms and dead zones occur in coastal bodies of water due to nutrient pollution.
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

What Affects Dead Zones? - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore scenarios in real datasets to investigate how physics and biology interact to produce Dead Zones of various sizes and durations.
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

Why have seagrasses disappeared? - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use the internet or printed articles and video clips to research why seagrass numbers have declined.
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

Pilbara to Mars: Are We Alone? - NASA and Macquarie University 
Using data collected from Pilbara, Australia, students study the age of the fossilized stromalites of the region.
Coral Reefs: Draw a Coral Reef - COSEE Coastal Trends and National Park Service 
Students will draw a coral reef based on the prior knowledge.
Coastal ocean systems provide important habitats for organisms.
Education Standards

Coral is an Animal: Polyp Pictures - Cosee Coastal Trends and National Park Service 
Students use a variety of pictures of different coral species to understand the diversity of corals.
There is a high diversity of life in the ocean with a wide range of functions and interactions.
Education Standards

Wacky Watersheds - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students construct a scaled model of a watershed to demonstrate the effect of various types of land uses on water quality.
Coastal areas and humans are particularly interconnected.
Education Standards

Coral Reefs: Photoquadrats on a Transect - COSEE Coastal Trends and National Park Service 
Students will use pictures of a coral reef transect to graph the percentage of cover for that section of reef.
Coastal ocean systems provide important habitats for organisms.
Education Standards