Home > Ocean Waters > Sea Level Effects
Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students use topographic maps and tide data to predict coastline flooding associated with sea level rise. In a companion exercise students predict the extent of flooding due to storm surge.
Concept: Sea level effects
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards

Understanding Sea Level Using Real Data - The NOAA Ocean Education Project 
Using real-time data, students learn how to access and interpret sea surface height and tide data through a series of five lessons.
Concept: Sea level effects
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards
The height of the ocean water (sea level) is affected by various physical forces and, in turn, affects coast lines.
Education Standards