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Exploring Ocean Observing Systems - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students explore web-based data collected by ocean observing systems as an introduction to the parameters these systems measure.
New technologies are expanding our ability to explore the ocean.
Education Standards

Ice Volume Changes and Sea Level Rise - Texas A&M University 
Students are introduced to the concepts associated with global climate change and sea level rise through a series of web animation exercises.
Sea level has changed and continues to change over time. These changes shape the land.
Education Standards

Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rise - California Academy of Sciences 
Students conduct a hands-on activity which demonstrates that it is the ice formations on land that cause a rise in sea level upon melting, not those on water.
Sea level has changed and continues to change over time. These changes shape the land.
Education Standards

The Water Cycle and Global Warming - BioEd Online 
Students trace the effects of global temperature change on oceanic surface levels through model and laboratory investigations.
The ocean plays a major role in the water cycle, which drives changes in weather and climate.
Education Standards

Your Own El Nino - NOAA Education 
Students use a model that recreates trade winds and upwelling to illustrate the changes in circulation that are associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
Changes in ocean circulation patterns affect weather and climate.
Education Standards

Top to Bottom - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students explore the possible impacts on deep sea ecosystems associated with changes in thermohaline circulation resulting from climate change.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Where have all the glaciers gone? - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students investigate how changes in climate are affecting sea-ice, vegetation, and glaciers in the arctic, region. Students explore the “positive” and “negative” results of these changes.
Ocean processes have major effects on global climate change; global climate change could have major impacts on the ocean.
Education Standards

Ocean Drifters - NOAA Ocean Explorer 
Students first learn about the different groups of plankton and their characteristics. Then the students make a model plankton cell which is neutrally or slightly negatively buoyant.
Photosynthesis by marine plants produces much of the oxygen in the atmosphere and uses much of the carbon dioxide.
Education Standards

Photosynthesis and Respiration in Seagrass - COSEE Coastal Trends 
Students conduct a hands-on experiment that illustrates how different levels of light affect photosynthesis and respiration in seagrass. Note: instructor may need to be creative with timing of the experiment to allow for an adequate incubation period.
Photosynthesis by marine plants produces much of the oxygen in the atmosphere and uses much of the carbon dioxide.
Education Standards

Open ocean euphotic zone: The Great Turtle Race - National Geographic 
Students manipulate environmental factors as they play the role of a migrating turtle moving through the ocean.
There are many diverse habitats in the open ocean, which contribute to the diversity of organisms.
Education Standards